Quelques projets récents

Installation exploitation agricole avec plusieurs halls complètement hors réseau
L'armoire et le bus bar ont été pré-monté et usiné en atelier chez nous. Le tout couplé à 57 kWc de panneaux photovoltaïques et un groupe électrogène de 100 kVA.

Installation exploitation agricole avec plusieurs halls complètement hors réseau
Un système de 90 kVA (6 x Multiplus 2 48/15000) et 20 kVA de chargeurs solaires ( 2 x Smart Solar 450/200 ) Victron Energy 88 kWh de stockage en batteries lithium LFP 4K4 de chez Weco Batteries.

Nous fournissons aussi le service de montage d'armoire électrique sur mesure pour nos clients
Ici 3 armoires dédiées à la signalisation ferroviaire en Afrique, leurs systèmes sont alimentés en 48 Vdc par 3 Multiplus 3 kVA et 22 kWh de batteries 4k4LT. En cas de coupure de réseau le parc batterie prend le relais automatiquement.

Installation hors réseau pour un système de régulation pour épuration d'eau
Fourniture d'un système complet sur structure Sol en acier Magnélis, avec possibilité d'installation sur vis de fondations (machine en location possible chez nous)

Installation hors réseau pour un système de régulation pour épuration d'eau
Système 100% autonome pour l'alimentation d'une centrale de traitement d'eau usée, 12 panneaux de 420 Wc JA SOLAR - 2 Chargeurs Victron de 100 ampères - système onduleur chargeur monophasé 800VA (1X Multiplus 800VA 24VDC)- 2 Batteries Tommatech 200Ah-24VDC

Off-grid installation for a stable
Unable to connect to the electricity grid (or at an astronomical cost) as a result of this problem, the customer decided to power his stable using a photovoltaic system with a batteries and a back-up generator.

Off-grid installation for a stable
100% autonomous system for feeding cowsheds. 20 panels of 420 Wc JA SOLAR - 1 Chargeurs Victron de 100 ampères - three-phase inverter/charger system of 15 kVA (3x Multiplus 5 kVA) - 3 Batteries Weco 4k4 LT - 4.4 KWh

Off-grid installation for indoor sports hall.
The memory of the latest energy crisis is still painful for this customer who decided to be as autonomous as possible from the grid by oversizing his photovoltaic system and to better manage his annual energy cost with as few surprises as possible.

Off-grid installation for indoor sports hall.
100% autonomous system to power a sports hall. 70 panels of 420 Wc JA SOLAR - 2 Victron Chargers of 200 amps - three-phase inverter charger of 30 kVA (3x Multiplus - 10 KVA) - 4 batteries BYD BBOX Pro 12.8 kWh.

Chalet - Grand duché de Luxembourg
A completely Off-Grid cabin in the woods. Naturally, no possibility of connecting to a power grid in the middle of the forest. This chalet now has access to electricity as in a normal house. To achieve this, we placed JA SOLAR 420W photovoltaic panels on the roof, we integrated a methanol fuel cell into our system and, as a last resort, a small gasoline generator. Thanks to these three energy sources and the centralized storage system, the owner can be confident of having electricity all year round.

Chalet - Grand duché de Luxembourg
Installation of a single-phase network with a Multiplus II 48/5000 un MPPT solar charger et des DC-DC converters to allow the fuel cell to operate with the two WECO 5K3 XP Lithium batteries
and continue to power the existing 12V lighting system in the chalet.

La Roche-en-Ardenne - Belgique
Off-Grid campsite, totally disconnected from the grid, this campsite (reception, owners' house and campsite) runs mainly on solar energy and has a 16kVa generator as back-up.

La Roche-en-Ardenne - Belgique
Installation of a three-phase network consisting of three inverters/chargers Multiplus II 48/8000 ainsi que d'un onduleur photovoltaïque Fronius Symo Advanced.
All this combined with BYD Premium LVL 15.4 lithium batteries and a photovoltaic array of around 20kWp.

Balaton Lake - Hungary
Design and construction of a welded metal frame with wooden panels to house a Victron three-phase system with Fronius AC photovoltaic coupling. ~=13kWp of panels and 4 Lithium batteries Weco 5k3XP for a total of 21kWh of storage.

Balaton Lake - Hungary
Photos during assembly and testing in the workshop, the system is designed to operate in ESS mode to encourage self-consumption, while still being connected to the grid if necessary.

Tertre- Belgique
Company - ESS system - Victron 3X Multiplus 10 KVA + Cerbo Gx with GX Touch + 8 batteries Pylontech US5000 (~=38,4 kWh of storage) and measuring of PV Fronius inverter IG + 70- installed with one of our partner: I-MAGINE _ I-MAGINE

Lombise- Belgique
Private Home - ESS system - Victron . 1 Multiplus 5 KVA + 1 solar charger Smart Solar 450-200 + Cerbo Gx with GX Touch + 3 batteries Pylontech US 3000C (~=10,5kWh of storage) installed with one of our partner I-MAGINE _ I-MAGINE

Stembert - Belgique
Private Home - ESS System - Victron . 1 Multiplus 5 KVA + 1 charger Smart Solar 450-200 + Cerbo Gx with GX Touch + 2 WECO batteries 5K3XP (~=10,5 kWh of storage)

Stembert - Belgique
Private Home 24 panels JA Solar 410w (~= 10kWp of production)

Theux - Belgique
ESS system - Victron . 4 Multiplus 2 - 3 KVA + 1 solar charger Smart Solar 450-200 (+ 36 panels 425Wp)+ Cerbo Gx with GX Touch + 3 batteries WECO 5K3XP

Olne - Belgique
ESS System - Victron . 3 QUATTRO-2 - 5 KVA + 1 solar charger Smart Solar 450-200+ Cerbo Gx with GX Touch + 3 batteries WECO 5K3XP + addition of a Fronius inverter

Site isolé - Maison autonome - 40 batteries Weco 5K3 XP - 212 Kwh au total

Maison autonome - 6 onduleurs chargeurs Victron Quattro - 48 KVA

Spa -Belgique
Site isolé - système Victron . 1 Multiplus 2 - 5 KVA + 1 chargeur solaire Smart Solar 250-85 + Cerbo Gx avec GX Touch + 2 batteries Pylontech US3000C

Bureaux Sprimont
Site isolé - Dimensionnement et installation de 14kWc de panneaux
Bureaux Sprimont
Site isolé - Système de démonstration Victron Triphasé - 3x Multiplus 2 - 5 KVA + Chargeur solaire RS450-200A + Batterie Weco 5K3 XP - ou autre batterie à tester (Banc de test)

Stavelot - Belgique
Site isolé - 4100 Wc panneaux solaires connectés sur un système autonome Victron

Stavelot Belgique
Site isolé - système Victron utilisé pour un chantier de construction de maison. 1 Multiplus 2 - 5 KVA + 1 chargeur solaire Smart SOlar 250-85 + Cerbo Gx avec GX Touch + 2 batteries Pylontec US3000C - système capable d'interagir/injecter sur le réseau une fois le compteur GRD installé

Farm located in Marche-en-Famenne
Off-Grid Site - Fully autonomous farm - Design and installation of a battery cluster relying on a genset

Earthship Luxembourg
Site Isolé - Dimensionnement et ajout d'un système Victron triphasé à une installation photovoltaïque et éolienne existante
Lien Youtube de la vidéo officielle de Victron sur cet Eartship

Earthship in Luxembourg
Off-grid site - Design and addition of a three-phase Victron system to an existing photovoltaic and wind turbine installation

Thanks to our network of installers, we offer you the most appropriate service.
We support local installers in the implementation of your storage systems.
In case of a problem, thanks to their proximity, they can operate on site quickly while benefiting from our remote support.
Our expertise in the field of storage ensures you a perfect installation and carried out according to the rules of the art.
All our systems are communicating and allow us to visualize the data in order to remotely diagnose a problem or a possible breakdown

OFF-GRID SERVICES offers training in the installation and use of Victron equipment or other brands and FePO4 lithium storage systems (WeCo, Pylontech, etc.).
You have end customers who are looking for off-grid storage solutions, for self-consumption, or to stabilize a process, we are here to help you to find the optimal solution.
OFF-GRID SERVICES provides you with the appropriate equipment in addition to technical support for the study and implementation of your projects or the projects of your end customers.